The Trust understands unique exposures faced by cities and regularly develops new coverages to address ever-changing needs. The Trust’s staff members have expertise needed to address all coverage issues and concerns, 让繁忙的市政工作人员少操心一件事. The following coverage changes apply to property/casualty coverage renewing on or after Nov. 于2022年1月15日或之后续保. 1, 2023.



The Trust’s first-party cyber coverage contains an exclusion for damages caused by or attributed to war. The exclusion will be broadened to explicitly call out the use of a computer system by or on behalf of a foreign state to disrupt, 操作, 或者破坏另一个主权国家计算机系统中的信息. It will also clarify guide行 for determining how and when a cyber-attack is attributed to a foreign state.



  • It is the intent for the first-party cyber coverage to apply if a disgruntled employee downloads a virus to a member’s network or acquires and distributes sensitive data owned by the member. 结合, a clarification will be placed in the faithful performance bond coverage to coordinate where coverage applies for this type of scenario.
  • 将增加解释性语言,定义“救济协会”.”
  • The definition of “computer equipment” will refer specifically to computer equipment owned or leased by a member.
  • “发生”日期可包括可疑网络事件的日期.



The liability coverage has an exclusion for damages arising out of services provided by several types of professionals such as dentists, 医生, 药剂师, 和心理学家. There will be an exception for professional psychologist services if the psychologist is working within the capacity of an emergency medical technician, 护理人员, 或者第一响应者.


A $3 million aggregate limit will be incorporated into the liability coverage for damages from claims alleging a member negligently caused a wildfire.



A 30% co-pay will now apply for damage to metal roofing that is only cosmetic in nature. (Alters the physical appearance of the structure’s roof but does not result in damage that allows the penetration of water through the structure’s exterior, result in the failure of the structure’s exterior to perform its intended function to keep out elements over an extended period, 否则会损害结构的功能.)


财产保险为石棉清理提供了特别保险补助金, 减轻, 以及在特定条件下的移除. 每个地点有25万美元的限制. 石棉必须是意外释放,并在3天内开始和结束, 必须不是计划中的翻新或拆除活动的结果, 费用必须在放行后90天内发生. The coverage will be clarified to state 1) demolition activities that are part of an otherwise covered loss — fire, 风暴, 等. — do not preclude coverage for the asbestos cleanup coverage; and 2) the 90-day window to incur costs can be extended with approval from claims staff.




  • 为声称一名成员被解雇的索赔进行辩护, 强迫, or otherwise discriminated against any employee in violation of the workers’ compensation law will be moved from the workers’ compensation coverage to the comprehensive liability coverage.
  • The term “executive officers” will be replaced with “elected or appointed officers.”
  • It will be specifically stated that bankruptcy or insolvency of a member will not relieve the Trust of its obligations under the coverage agreement.


While it is the Trust’s understanding that municipal employees engaged in marina work are eligible for benefits under state workers’ compensation law and not under the LHWCA, the Trust’s coverage is clarified to provide defense for the member if an injured employee tries to assert eligibility under the LHWCA.



对于购买设备故障保险的会员, 覆盖范围将自动适用于设备故障到太阳能发电机, 罚款100美元,000次出现子限制. 设备故障保险以前不包括太阳能发电机.


由于信托超额责任再保险人的要求, 超额责任保险将有两项新的不包括条款. The first is for data security breach claims or any other claim for damages arising out of unauthorized intrusive codes or programming, 比如电脑病毒或黑客攻击. This exclusion will not impact the primary liability coverage limits for a system security breach claim, which is subject to a $2 million per occurrence limit and $3 million aggregate limit. The second is for claims arising out of or related to Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS) substances which are widely used in commercial and industrial applications including metal plating, 地毯, 防水服装, 室内装潢, 食品包装纸, 炊具, 化妆品, 还有消防泡沫. The PFAS exclusion is not specifically called out in the Trust’s primary liability coverage, but there is an existing broad pollution exclusion in primary coverage that generally precludes coverage for this type of claim.


No fault sewer backup and water main break coverage is an optional coverage that reimburses a property owner for cleanup costs and damages resulting from a sewer backup or water main break, 不管事故是否由稳定的十大彩票网站疏忽造成.

The per occurrence limit for no fault sewer backup claims will go from $2 million to $1 million, the per occurrence limit for water main breaks that cause no fault sewer backups will go from $2 million to $1 million, and the aggregate limit for both no fault sewer backups and water main break claims will go from $3 million to $2 million.


  • An exclusion for claims caused directly or indirectly out of unauthorized intrusive codes or programming, 比如电脑病毒或黑客攻击.
  • A clarification this coverage is not intended to cover losses caused by an obstruction or condition in pipes, 行, 或者是成员国下水道系统的基础设施.